Inbound marketing has been extremely popular for a number of years now, and as time passes we'll see even more people and companies take up inbound and leave the old way of doing things - outbound - behind.
However, if you’re new to the world of marketing, you’re probably curious about why inbound would be considered much better than the alternative. Those of you who have been relying on outbound methods may also be nervous about making the switch without a bit more convincing.
Outbound Marketing Isn't Effective
That is the hard truth that should keep you from looking to the past for your marketing ideas. While it’s true that some companies in certain industries may still be seeing results from direct mailers or TV commercials, the vast majority of you should be looking past these tactics.
Not too long ago, Voltier Digital did some research that proves this unfortunate message. They found that nearly half of direct mail, 44%, never gets opened. At least if that happens with your emails you’re not spending marketing dollars on paper, envelopes, ink or stamps.
They also found that 86% of viewers don’t bother with TV commercials anymore. That’s no surprise considering how many people can now fast-forward through them or simply channel surf while they wait. Think of all the money you could be wasting on a TV spot.
Don’t think that putting ads on sites will necessarily work either. 84% of people between the ages of 25 and 34 reported that they’ve actually left a site because they thought an ad was intrusive or irrelevant.
#inbound #marketing has proven to be most effective Dont pay 3x more for #outbound #marketing
— Idea Creative (@idea_creative1) May 31, 2015
What’s more, it has been shown that securing a lead through outbound tactics is always more expensive than securing a lead using inbound methods.
Inbound Marketing Earns Trust
One of the problems with outbound marketing is that it doesn’t really win over any fans. It just tells people, usually in as little time as possible, what a company could potentially do for them. That’s it.
Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is interactive. The potential consumer provides input in one way or another and your campaign reacts. Even when that response is automated, it is still better suited to the specific person to whom you are speaking to.
Get Your Free Inbound Marketing Assessment Inbound Marketing Produces Better Feedback
If you put up a billboard, how do you know if it’s successful? Most companies would take a look at their sales numbers and see if they’ve improved since the investment. You may even survey customers as best you can to try and get better feedback.
That’s hardly scientific though. One reason inbound marketing is so cost effective is that you have a much better chance at assessing your true ROI. Not only does this help you save money; it also means you can revise your approach as necessary to produce better results.
Inbound Marketing Nurtures Leads
Every company has a sales funnel - whether they know it or not - and a big portion of it is nurturing leads. To give a very basic example, car salesmen don’t just run up to people when they step on their lot and tell them about the first vehicle that comes to mind. They begin by asking questions, learning about the potential customer and then soliciting feedback as they look at different vehicles.
Inbound marketing allows a relationship to flourish between every one of your customers and your sales team. Again, a lot of times, this is actually done through automation. Nonetheless, you can’t expect commercials, billboards or direct mailers to have a chance of producing anywhere near the same result.
While it’s always a bit nerve-racking to switch up your marketing strategy, especially when those changes could be substantial, the above information makes it clear that inbound marketing is the wave of the future